
What began in 1962 as Pleasant Heights Baptist Mission from First Baptist Church in Columbia became Pleasant Heights Baptist Church founded on September 1, 1963. In March 1975, the church added an educational building adjacent to Pleasant Drive as a nursery and preschool department. A Christian Life Center (CLC), which houses a gymnasium, track, racquetball court, weight room, and educational rooms, was dedicated on May 1, 1989. In 1992, the church converted its original sanctuary auditorium into additional educational space and renovated the CLC gymnasium so it could be converted appropriately for church services or gym activities.

In 2000, we launched the "Now is the Time" building program to raise funds for a new sanctuary.  Our first worship service in the new sanctuary was on November 30, 2003.   On December 7, 2003, Pleasant Heights Baptist Church held a Worship and Dedication Service followed by an Open House and Homecoming activities celebrating the church’s fortieth anniversary.  The new worship center houses a large gallery, fan shaped sanctuary, preschool rooms and administration offices.  Through God's magnificent grace and the generous giving of his people, Pleasant Heights made the final payment on the building note during the Sunday Morning Service on May 28, 2006.  The mortgage was burned and the church was debt free.  Our God is an awesome God!